8 benefits of buying a New Build home

7th Feb 2022

There are plenty of great reasons to buy a brand-new home; the joys of designing on a blank canvas, the reassurance of a 10-year structural warranty, and that it’s all yours and only yours since no one else has ever lived in it before.

We’ve put together a list of eight solid reasons why you should consider buying a brand-new home.

1. Less effort from day one

Fancy choosing your flooring, fixtures, fittings, or colour scheme? Buy off-plan, and developers will often let you make design decisions while it’s being built. Sometimes, you can add new features (conservatory, anyone?) or choose a different room layout.

Best of all, they’ll do all the work for you, so you don’t need to do anything else from the day you move in.

2. Save money on bills

Modern energy rating standards mean that all new build homes must be built to much stricter specifications. That energy efficiency – which is about six times higher than older homes – will help with those forever-rising energy costs, making your home cheaper to run and saving you money in the long term.

Plus, with a lower carbon footprint, it’s better for the planet too.

3. Lower insurance costs

Security standards are higher in a new build home. Most developers fit burglar alarms as standard (or will add the wiring for you to install them later). Alongside the welcome peace of mind, security additions like this can also lower your buildings and contents insurance premiums.

4. Healthier living standards

Do you or someone you live with have asthma or severe allergies? Most new build homes provide much better air filtration, making for cleaner air quality. This can help minimise adverse symptoms caused by dust, pollen, and harmful household chemicals found in cleaning products and furniture materials.

5. 10-year structural warranty

New builds come with a 10-year warranty, meaning from day one, you’re protected against the high costs associated with repairing any major structural defects.

Also, when you consider people move home on average every seven years, you’re likely to benefit from that peace of mind and financial safety net throughout your time living there.

6. Strict safety standards

The use of fire-resistant materials, superior smoke alarm technology, and better escape route access (like the requirement for specific windows to open wide in the event of a fire) means a new home is generally much safer to live in.

7. Move in straight away

Since you’re the first to live in your new build home, you don’t need to wait on someone to move out – when it’s built, you can move in.

Not having a ‘forward chain’ can make the difference between a stressful home move (or an outright disappointment when a deal falls through on your ‘dream home’) and a calmer, more enjoyable experience.

8. Special incentives

Buying a brand-new home attracts incentives from both the Government and the developers alike. Schemes like the first-time buyers’ Mortgage Guarantee Scheme are backed by the Government (alongside high street lenders), meaning you could buy your first home with just a 5% deposit.

Many developers offer freebies, like new carpets or upgraded kitchen specifications. They may even pay your Stamp Duty or offer to buy your home, so you’re not stuck in a backward chain.


New build homes can be safer, healthier, cheaper to run, and can save you lots of money in the long term. If that’s important to you and you’d like to discuss your options for buying a new build home around Worthing, Brighton, or Hove, speak to our friendly New Homes team on 01903 228 601.

You can also discover our range of new home developments, available both on-plan and off-plan.